Marketplace Rules
1 Vouch copies can only be requested in sales threads by members with the following ranks: Godlike or Heaven. You, as a thread starter, have the rights to grant your vouch copies to any person of your choice regardless of the users rank.
2 Excessive vouch copy requesting is prohibited and will result in a temporary account suspension. Ongoing behavior could even result in a permanent ban.
3 "Proxy selling" is an act where you sell a product/account for someone else, This is prohibited.
4 "Cross posting" is an act where you post your sales thread in more than one section, for example premium sellers & normal, this is prohibited.
5 All sales threads must be located in the marketplace section, posting in other sections is prohibited.
6 Any sales threads related to fraud such as methods which include fraud are prohibited.
7 Marketplace threads can only be bumped once every 24 hours, asking friends to bump for you is also prohibited.
8 Middleman services are prohibited, all trades requiring a middleman will be handled by a member of our team.
9 All sales trashing is prohibited, you may warn users of a scammer provided you post proof.
10 Vouches from other forums have zero value here, refrain using them to show that you are trusted.
11 A person that receives a vouch copy is obligated to leave a review of the product.
12 TOS are to be ignored in case of scam-reports if the administrator decides to.
13 You aren't allowed to sell any services/products that are publicly available for free.
14 Selling "Tools/Software" on the marketplace requires the rank Infinity. Sales Threads for Tools/Software by members with a lower upgrade rank will be deleted.
15 Publishing a cracked version of tool that is being sold on the marketplace is prohibited and will result in an account suspension.
16 Posting in deal disputes, unless involved, is not allowed and will result in a warning.
17 Selling and purchasing awards in awards marketplace for real money is forbidden